Fishing Rules and Rentals in Cape Canaveral, FL

fishing rod rentals in cape canaveral
Aug 26 2020

Fishing Rules and Rentals in Cape Canaveral, FL

Next time you visit the beach, why not try your hand at some early-morning fishing? It’s a great motivator to get up and catch the sunrise over the ocean, as well as another reason to spend more time down at the water. Most importantly, fishing in Cape Canaveral is a great way to bond with family members or friends. Even if you’re a little rusty, you’ll find fishing here a super easy experience due to the many different types of fishing in the nearby area. 

To get started fishing, here’s what you need to know:

  • Non-residents age 16 and older are required to fish with a Florida fishing license, regardless of whether that’s freshwater or saltwater fishing. Out-of-state fishing and hunting licenses are not valid in Florida.
  • You can purchase your license at or by calling 888-FISH-FLORIDA.
  • You can rent all kinds of fishing gear here at the shore. The closest place to rent is A1A Outdoors Bike Shop, located closest to the Cape Winds at 6811 N Atlantic Ave. They offer free delivery over $50 and have an assortment of gear packages from shoreline and inshore fishing to shark-catching packages and kayak fishing. They also offer charter fishing trips. (We’re not affiliated with them, but have heard good things about the business.)
  • If you want to learn about the fish you can catch (and there are many kinds), follow this link to an easy identification guide (!categoryid=1306&subcategoryid=&status=)
  • You can also head over to the Jetty Park Fishing Pier from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

We ask that you remain vigilant while fishing–our waters do contain alligators, man-o-war, and other wildlife that can be dangerous. Also, while fishing, be sure to clean up after you’re done–we have many people who visit our beaches, and we want to make sure we all do our part to keep the beach clean and safe for all of us.

For a great opportunity to see a new side of a familiar ocean, you can’t beat fishing. While you’re here, give it a try, and feel free to send us pictures of your catch that we’ll be glad to share on Facebook (maybe we’ll even have a fishing contest if there’s enough interest).


Steve Wright

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